Who is in the wedding,good luck wedding token,good luck wedding act,good luck wedding garter
are all important to discuss!

are all important to discuss!

The people in the Christian wedding would be (or some variation):
Bride and Groom
Best Man
Bridesmaids & Groomsmen - usually 4-8 each
Maid (Matron) of Honor
Flower Girl
Ring Bearer
Junior Bridesmaids - not required; too old for the flower girl but too young for the regular bridesmaids' duties.
For good luck the saying goes: Something old, something new - Something borrowed, something blue - And a silver sixpence in her shoe. Each item refers to a good luck token for a bride. The custom is that if the bride carries all four items on her wedding day, she will have a happy marriage.
-Wrap an old handkerchief that belonged to someone close to you, like a grandparent, around your bouquet as you walk down the aisle.
-Borrow a charm from a close friend or family member, and hook it onto your bouquet as you walk down the aisle.
-Your wedding dress is new and make sure your garter is blue!

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I like the talk about luck and especially about the different parts of the wedding ceremony!
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